
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Lockdown Acrostic Poems

We have finally published our acrostic poems sharing our experiences during the lockdown. We could choose which word we wanted to use, so you will see a mixture of words. It seems like most people had the same sorts of experiences while in lockdown when you read these poems.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Circle Time Reminders

In Room 14 we have a Circle Time session every week. One week this term our Circle Time topic was about looking after belongings. We discussed this and then each small group created a slide to show us how we could look after belongings. Room 14 are very knowledgeable about how to look after their belongings, we will have to see if they follow their own great advice!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Amazing Autumn Trees

We started creating these amazing Autumn trees just before lockdown. When we returned to school we were pleased that we were able to finish them. Some of us used the fluro pastel colours and some used the usual colours of pastels. The artwork includes a bare tree that has lost its leaves over Autumn time and the landscape of land and sky represented in different colours.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Our new favourite game is called Burn. You stand in a circle and pass a ball around the circle. While you are passing the ball around the circle there is a person standing in the middle of the circle counting to 20 in their head. They can count to 20 at any speed they like. When they get to 20 they call out 'Burn' and open their eyes. The person who has the ball in their hands at that moment is out and has to sit down. This means that if you are standing next to people that are sitting down you have to jump over their legs to pass the ball to the next person. This gets quite tricky as more and more children get out!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Once Upon a Book Blog

I have finished reading The Top Secret Undercover Notes of Buttons McGinty by Rhys Darby and as the saying goes, "The jury is still out on this one." If you haven't heard that saying before it means that I am not sure whether I enjoyed this book or not and whether I would recommend others to read it. (A jury is the group of people in a court of law who decide whether someone is guilty or not.)

It is about a boy called Buttons McGinty on his mission to find his parents who are missing. Darby has called it a mystery-comedy book but I am just not sure it is funny.  Someone needs to read it and either agree with me or explain to me why it is a good read and why it is funny. Anyone think they might be keen to take up the challenge?!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Goal Smashing in Epic Books!

We did it!  Go the readers in our class!

50 books have been read.  We are on our way to our next goal.

Keep up the great reading!

Amazing ANZAC Biscuits

Some of us made ANZAC biscuits over the ANZAC weekend.  Have a look at some of the photos of these.  Is it making anyone hungry or wanting to bake?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Isabella's Sign Language Spot

Welcome to Isabella, our guest sign language blogger. This time she is teaching us how to ask someone how old they are and the sign for goodbye. Thank you Isabella for creating these for us.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Sumo Paint Artistry

I have just used Sumo Paint for the first time to create a drawing. This is my first step and next I am going to put it onto a background. Keep an eye out for my next blog post to see if I was successful.

Who else knows how to use Sumo Paint? Do you have any tips? It would be great for you to have a go and put one of your drawings onto your blog.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Once Upon a Book Blog

I recently finished reading Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke, for about the third time. I hadn't read it for a while so thought I would, to remind myself why I like it so much! 

It is about Firedrake, a dragon, and a boy called Ben who set out on a magical journey to find the legendary place where the silver dragons can live in peace for ever. There are a lot of other interesting characters in the story and it keeps you interested and reading right from the first page. 

Has anyone else read it? What did you think about it? Who wants to borrow it when we return to school?

Epic Books Champions!

Woohoo, I have just received an email to say our class has read 25 books. Well done and give yourself a pat on the back if you helped with this achievement.

Who thinks we can do better?  I do!

Let's get reading and I will let you know as soon as we smash the next goal...50 books.

Isabella's Sign Language Spot

Here we have our guest blogger Isabella with her sign language lesson. She is teaching us how to ask someone how they are. She also reminds us how to tell someone what our name is. Watch this space for more sign language lessons from Isabella.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Life in Lockdown

We have had an interesting time in lockdown so far.

We have had teddy bears in the window and then we have had coloured Easter Eggs.

Some of our lovely Room 14 people have had their birthdays while in lockdown.

There has been lots of sharing on our blogs of all the wonderful and creative activities that are going on. There has been painting, baking, playing board games, bike rides, walks, and so much more.

We have been back and taking part in our Remote Learning since last Wednesday and the learning at home has continued.  We think our time spent together in Google Hangouts is pretty neat. We have learnt more skills since we started this journey together.  We wonder what the next few weeks will bring.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Swimming Sports

We had our Swimming Sports yesterday.  The weather was fantastic and the children were amazing.  They should feel very proud of what they achieved.  I am sure they will already be setting their goals for next year's event.